Board of Directors
President/Board Chair Andrew Jayne Email: | Board Vice Chair Vacant Email: |
Immediate Past President Tim Dumoulin | Treasurer Tim Ming Email: |
Secretary Patti Brown Email: | Membership Flaubert Santullo Email: |
Training Coordinator Jason McDonald | Women’s Advocate Stacey Bergeron Email: |
Communications Director Sylvie Whitehead Email: | Dual Sport Coordinator Email: |
Land Use Committee Chair Ryan Lariviere | Limerick Forest Jeff Breedon Email: |
Note: some appointments are filled by volunteers outside the BMA Board.
Calabogie Boogie Chair Andrew Jayne Email: | Quartermaster Mark Ferris |
Land Use Deputy Chair Chris Lacasse | Legal Adviser Jason Shelley |
Safety and Security Roy Forestall | Sponsorship Mike Spear |
Trail Boss Marc Levesque | Tom Riddle | Forum Admin Ross Whitehead |
Volunteer Coordinator Jay McDonald | Website Administrator |
Land Use Committee Representatives
Limerick Forest Jeff Breedon Email: | Larose Forest Ed Miller Email: |
Calabogie South Side Doug McNeil | Calabogie North Side Terry Schaubel |
Area 31 Darrin Rideout |
Yes, the BMA Board only runs on Volunteers – Like You!
We are one of Ontario’s largest and most successful off-road motorcycle clubs – with good reason: We are strictly a volunteer organization, with members dedicated to having fun!
If you have an interest in further developing our capacity to grow as a club, we would welcome your nomination for election to the Board of Directors.
A director term of office is two years, with half of the Director positions opening for election or re-election every year. The Board meets about 6-8 times per year. The Board oversees the organization of ride events, the creation, finances, and maintenance of riding trails, land owner relationships, and manages the club finances, amongst other duties.
Examples of the types of interests and skills that make a strong and diverse Board include:
- Recreational trail riders
- Dual sport riders
- Both novice and experienced riders
- Women riders, youthful riders, in addition to our “mature” riders
- Persons who are financially literate
- People with a legal background
- People with an interest or experience in event management (For the past 25 years, we have organized Ontario’s most popular off-road ride: the Calabogie Boogie®)
- Geographic representation from across Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec
If you have any questions or would like more information about what is involved in being a Board member, please do not hesitate to contact our Board Chair or simply fill out the form below. Nominations are now open for the next election to the Board of Directors which occurs at the Annual General Meeting in January of each year.