If you have a question or are looking to connect with us, please send us an e-mail.
Topic | Name | |
President | Andrew Jayne | president@bma1.ca |
Board Vice Chair | Vacant | vicechair@bma1.ca |
Calabogie Boogie | Andrew Jayne | boogiechair@bma1.ca |
Land Use | Ryan Lariviere | landuse@bma1.ca |
Membership | Flaubert Santullo | membership@bma1.ca |
Website | Webmaster | webmaster@bma1.ca |
If you are looking for another board member or volunteer – go to the board of director and volunteer appointments
Feedback and Suggestions
We always welcome feedback and suggestions to improve so we can improve the way we interact with the membership. Website and newsletter suggestions are welcome, as are blog articles of your off road riding experiences.